Potential from agricultural tourism in Dak Lak

Taking advantage of agriculture, the tourism-agricultural model is starting to develop strongly in Dak Lak. This is also a good signal to promote tourism and agriculture together for sustainable development.

Taking advantage of the advantages of land, climate, products and specific ethnic culture, in recent years, in Dak Lak, many units and individuals have invested and developed an attractive agricultural tourism model, providing an enjoyable experience for tourists.

Especially, coffee production and processing enterprises have promoted the potential of specific products of the Central Highlands to build high-quality coffee production farms, both creating high-value products and combining experiential tourism to attract tourists to visit.

Tourists learn the process of processing specialty coffee at Aeroco coffee farm.

Typical is Aeroco Coffee Farm in Ea Kao commune, Buon Ma Thuot City. Originally, this is a high-quality coffee farm with a double-closed process, the special thing here is that the farm's coffee gardens are designed with biodiversity in the direction of forest gardens, so there are not only coffee trees in the garden but also shade trees and fruit trees.

All are produced organically, without the intervention of pesticides, so the product is safe for consumers' health. When tourists come to visit the farm, in addition to learning about coffee trees, the process of planting, caring, harvesting, preliminary processing, processing, etc., they can also experience picking coffee as well as fruits in the garden (avocado, durian, jackfruit, lemon, banana, guava, pepper…).

According to Mr. Le Dinh Tu, owner of Aeroco coffee farm, what he wishes to achieve most is that when customers come to the farm, they will learn something in this place. Therefore, the farm's tourism products are considered as a "brainchild", taken care of by the people involved in the chain at all stages of production, creating the best products for customers to experience and purchase.

At the same time, the farm also focuses on creating a comfortable feeling for tourists as soon as they arrive. It is investing in making clean toilets, cool places to rest, planting a variety of flowers, creating a beautiful space for tourists to take pictures; There are many types of drinks to meet the diverse preferences of customers…

However, in order for this model to develop sustainably, it is necessary to first build a methodical strategy for the farm. In particular, putting the factor of clean and safe products on the top to target a potential customer segment, building the absolute trust of customers, making them willing to spend money to choose healthy products. Since then, it has created an "oil slick", attracting and connecting many customers to the farm.

“Due to the epidemic situation, the farm is not open to welcome tourists, take advantage of this time to focus on improving infrastructure as well as tourism products. Going forward, the farm takes advantage of the greenhouse during the months when the coffee is not dried to grow vegetables, serving the experience needs of tourists; build in-depth coffee exploration tours (processing, tasting..); using GPS positioning and digitizing farms…”, said Mr. Le Dinh Tu.

According to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, recently, the trend of investing in developing agricultural tourism and eco-tourism is developing widely in localities in the province with many new and unique models. Developing tourism-agricultural products is a dual goal to create new tourism products, taking advantage of the strengths of local culture, landscape, and people, attracting tourists to experience, and at the same time, supporting the development of hi-tech agriculture, associated with local product consumption. The Department directs tourism companies to strengthen links to create agricultural tours, attracting domestic and foreign tourists to Dak Lak to experience the tourism model.

Dak Lak Newspaper

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