Let's learn about Robusta coffee with Aeroco Coffee

Coffee has long been a familiar drink of Vietnamese people. For coffee lovers like us, not only enjoy but also feel the unique flavor but also feel the bitterness and sourness of each type. One of the most popular types of coffee in Vietnam today is Robusta. So what does this coffee taste like? Let's find out with Aeroco Coffee!

What is Robusta Coffee?

Robusta coffee, also known as Robusta coffee, has a characteristic bitter taste. This type of coffee was first discovered in the 1800s in Congo-Belgium. Then, gradually, this coffee variety developed and was introduced to Southeast Asian countries around 1900.

Voi coffee is a type of coffee that is grown a lot in the Central Highlands provinces with basalt red soil such as Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Lam Dong... Robusta coffee is especially loved because they have a passionate aroma, high caffeine content. Not sour, mildly sweet and not too bitter. After harvesting, coffee will be processed and divided into many different types. Let's learn about the types of coffee Robusta:

Voi coffee is divided into 3 common types, sieve 13, sieve 16 and sieve 18 based on factors such as size, moisture, impurities, broken black bean ratio, and grain to sieve ratio. The specific characteristics of each type of coffee are as follows:

Characteristics of coffee with sieve 13:

- Coffee beans with sieve 13 have a larger size than the sieve hole 5 mm.

- Rate of black seeds, damaged up to 5%.

- Concentration of impurities up to 1%.

- Maximum humidity 15%.

Characteristics of coffee with sieve 16:

- The grain on the sieve has a sieve hole diameter of 6.3 mm.

- Maximum humidity 15%.

- Rate of black seeds, maximum damage 2%.

- Concentration of impurities up to 0.5%.

Characteristics of coffee with sieve 18:

- Having a diameter of coffee beans, also known as sieve hole size, is 7.1 mm.

- Maximum humidity 12.5% ​​ma.

- Rate of black seeds, maximum damage 2%.

- Concentration of impurities up to 0.5%.

- Minimum 90% on sieve 18 (7.1mm).

The caffeine content in Robusta coffee beans is very high. As mentioned above, the caffeine content in this coffee bean ranges from 3% to 4% on average. The fat and sugar content of coffee is also lower than that of other types of coffee.

If you are a coffee connoisseur, you will notice the characteristics of Voi coffee compared to other lines on the market. Coffee has a less sour taste than Arabica coffee. In addition, Robusta coffee also has a characteristic bitter and acrid taste.

The aroma of Robusta coffee

Really, it's hard to describe what a cup of coffee tastes like. But according to people who are knowledgeable and knowledgeable about coffee, coffee with a taste of wood, the smell of burning rubber. It has a sour taste but the acidity is quite low. In addition, the taste of Robusta will be more bitter due to its high caffeine content. The gentle aroma of Robusta will bring you unforgettable experiences.

The caffeine content in Robusta coffee ranges from 2 to 2.5%, twice that of Arabica coffee. Currently, there are also quite a few people who choose to blend these two types of coffee together to create a very unique flavor.

When we put it in our mouth, we will immediately feel a very strong bitter taste. However, for some taste experts, they can sense the aroma of fruit somewhere in the throat.

Robusta coffee

► See more: Elements that make a good cup of coffee

How to make good Robusta coffee?

Before you start making coffee, you need the ingredients

Ingredients needed to prepare:

  • Coffee with.
  • Hot water.
  • Filter.
  • Stirring spoon.

After having fully and fully prepared the necessary ingredients, let's start making delicious Robusta coffee.

Step 1

If you are brewing a large amount of coffee, choose the right filter for the amount of coffee to be brewed. And do not forget to rinse the filter with boiling water so that when making coffee, it will receive a fuller amount of heat, making the coffee taste stronger and more fragrant. You will have a delicious cup of coffee when mixed with water kept at a temperature of 95-100 degrees Celsius.

Step 2

Put the coffee in the filter and start brewing. The correct brew ratio is when you add 1/3 of the filter's coffee volume, then gently shake it to smooth out the coffee.

Step 3

With the amount of coffee you put in the filter, make the water so that the water completely covers the coffee powder. Next, press the lid with just enough force to let the coffee settle. You should only gently press the ejector cover. If you press too hard, the coffee will not come out. But if you press too lightly, the coffee will foam and push the lid up. This is also one of the notes when making Robusta coffee. This takes a lot of experience and know-how.

Step 4

Pour boiling water into the filter lid, then place the lower sprayer on top, until the water under the lid soaks up the coffee.

Step 5

Once the coffee has been steeped, wait to add about two-thirds of the filter's volume of water. Then, close the top lid and wait for the coffee to drip down the glass. Standard brewed coffee is when a drop drops a second, neither too long nor too massive. If the coffee is flowing, it is because you made less coffee or did not press the coffee tightly.

Step 6

If you want to add sugar to make it easier to drink, choose rock sugar or powdered sugar. You should limit the use of white granulated sugar because you will not enjoy the aroma of sugar.

How to make Robusta coffee

And another note to make Robusta coffee better is that you should melt the sugar before adding ice. Coffee ice should choose large pieces, long soluble in water (also known as old ice). If you want to drink with milk, it is best to add 30-40% milk, mix well with coffee until frothy.

Note, to make delicious and rich Robusta coffee, you should add 1-2 grains of salt into the brewed coffee cup. This helps reduce the acidity in the coffee

Above is a delicious way to make coffee that you can make at home. Hopefully with this recipe, you will be able to make delicious cups of coffee.

► See more:  What is paper filter coffee? Let's find out with Aeroco Coffee

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